Laugh With Not At

its better to laugh with someone than to laugh at someone. I’m not perfect I occasionally catch myself laughing at someone, but then I realize how would I feel if someone was laughing at me. I would feel embarrassed, I would get defensive and my self-esteem would be lower.

Laughing with someone can help strengthen your relationship with that person. when you laugh with someone you create a bond with them. You are in agreement and you are sharing a moment together.

So remember don’t laugh at, laugh with.

Enjoy the Process

As I approach a milestone next month I have come to the realization that life doesn’t get easier but it can get better. All my life I have lived as if life will become easier in the future. The “grass is always greener” syndrome and because of that way of thinking I believe I may have missed out on some opportunities for happiness because I wasn’t enjoying the process and only thinking of the end result. When you are only focusing on the end result and not enjoying the process quite often the end result is not what you wanted if you even achieve it at all.
Because I didn’t like the process I would come up with excuses not to work towards my goal. I’m tired, I’m too busy, there are not enough hours in the day, etc. When we constantly come up with excuses not to work towards our goals, I think we have to ask ourselves is that a goal we really want to pursue. Maybe it wasn’t what I wanted if I’m not willing to work for it.
In show-business my parents would call working hard and making sacrifices for your goal as “paying your dues.” They would laugh about someone they knew and worked with for years who suddenly became a star as an “overnight sensation.” They would laugh because they knew how long it took them and how hard they worked to become an “overnight sensation.”
Lately in my spare time I have been fixing up my home. After my parents passed I reversed a reverse mortgage to buy back the house I grew up in. Growing up there was such a happy and safe place that brought so many fond memories I had to keep the house. The challenge was the last few years of my mom’s life I was concentrating on taking care of my mother; I kind of neglected the house. Now it’s time to fix up the house, but with all my savings going to pay towards the mortgage I had to become a “DIY” guy. The problem is I am not that good at fixing or building and I don’t really have the patience for it. I just wanted to fast forward ahead and have the end result. Over the last couple of years my thought process has changed, yes I want the end result but now I kind of enjoy the process. I still am not that handy but I have a neighbor, Tom, who is and he enjoys the challenge of fixing things and building things. He comes over and we work on the projects together, many times I am just assisting and learning how it’s done. Because of Tom I am learning to enjoy the process and when we finish a project it’s that much more special because we did it. We accomplished our goal. I also got another benefit from enjoying the process. Tom is not only a good neighbor but he has become a good friend and that is something I wouldn’t have found just looking at the end result.